She has helped me so much with my confidence…

Working with weddings I have to give each of my brides 150% of my focus, so creating content can be quite overwhelming for me.

These in-person workshops are personalised to you and your salon, focussing on tailored support you and team currently need.

Enquire about our workshop designed exclusively for hairdressers, offering insights to help you optimize your Instagram presence. Discover the business approach needed to run a successful salon Instagram account, differentiating from the influencer-

centric model prevalent in our industry.

Topics cover authentic online presence, client connection strategies, staff alignment, and efficient social media management.

Benefit from a blend of theory and hands-on support, guided by the experienced Salon Society team.

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From the minute I got in touch with Renee we hit it off straight away & she has helped me feel confident with social media. 

Whether it’s supporting me in creating my own content, or when i'm too busy and i need Renee to create it for me, i know she understands me and the industry dp well that my clients will still think it me creating the content and that i'm just really good at Instagram…

Handing all my content to Renee and having her send them back as finished reels has really taken a weight off my shoulders over this busy christmas period and well into the new year. 

Thanks again Renee, you will never know just how much you have helped and inspired me. 

Amanda Audrey xoxo

Topics cover authentic online presence, client connection strategies, staff alignment, and efficient social media management.

Benefit from a blend of theory and hands-on support, guided by the experienced Salon Society team.